
Grace Is Different

Grace is different -- you won't be hustled to give money, nor will you be hassled about joining.  That's because of what we believe about the dangers of spiritual abuse and psychological manipulation.  We want the Holy Spirit to work within you to give and serve, because then your giving and service will be joyful and free. 

Grace is different because of what we believe.  While we are connected denominationally, you will find that our spirit is interdenominational.  In part that reflects our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.  The EPC has as its motto the statement by Peter Meiderlin, attributed to Augustine:

In necessariis unitas
In dubiis libertas
In omnibus autem caritas

In Essentials, Unity
In Non-Essentials, Liberty
In All Things, Love

The EPC has a document called The Essentials that lays out the basic truths that the Bible.  We stand within a stream of thinking that reflects the thinking of the Church down through the ages, but we hold the Bible to be the only rule of faith and life.

Grace sponsors and oversees

Grace Christian School,

Kindergarten through the Twelfth grade.  Our school was established in 1984 and has a current enrollment of 415.

Our pastor is Bob Vincent; he has written a number of studies on various biblical topics.

One of the unique things about our building is that it has some lovely stained-glass windows that depict the story of redemption.

Our Sunday Services include

Sunday School at 9:15 am

Morning Worship at 10:30

Youth Fellowship at 6:00 pm

Home Groups at 6:30 pm

We also have a number of Bible Studies during the week and supper, followed by prayer and study every Wednesday evening.  For more information email or call us at
(318) 445-7271.