Sandy and I
became home owners for the first time in our lives and moved
into our house on Cotile Lake on July 1, 2000. Below is a
view of the lake from our back porch taken in late winter.

I named this house,
Tutissimum Refugium Sanguinis Christi, which is
Latin and translates roughly as "Fortress of Refuge of the
Blood of Christ." It is our prayer that all who visit us
will find our lake side home a place of retreat and renewal,
made possible because our Lord Jesus Christ shed his blood
to forgive our sins and secure God's blessings. As the
Second Adam, he has begun to undo the dreadful curse of the
First Adam.
Our heavenly
Father simply gave us this house, and it has been our
privilege to open our doors freely to those whom the Lord
Jesus sends our way.
We have had many
house guests stay with us, including ten folks from South
Louisiana and the Florida panhandle who fled Hurricane Ivan.
On October 4,
2004, Rod, Ben and Jessie Leffley
arrived from Lithgow in the Blue Mountains of Australia.
For a bit over
two months, we hosted four members of the Choe family.
The Choes had to evacuate New Orleans in the wake of
Hurricane Katrina. Pastor Choe had been a nuclear
physicist in South Korea before the Lord called him to be a
Pastor; he is now back at New Orleans Baptist Theological
Seminary working on his Ph.D. in New Testament.
We find sitting
out on our pier a great place to read and reflect.
Sandy carries her laptop, and I bring my handheld.
Early morning is a great time to regain ones focus.
Here Sandy and our two dogs survey the lake as we begin the

The evening reminds us of the
glory of God; he paints another beautiful sunset across the

X marks the spot where our
house sits on Cotile Lake in this Russian spy satellite

Here is a Google Map to our
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