
Shots from the Air

Here Are Some High Altitude Shots of our Home
Provided by the State of Louisiana
Our Home Is Dead Center in All These Pictures

The Whole of Cotile Lake

A Closer Shot
Our home is located where the white, fallen-to-the-right, "C" is.

Closer Still

You Can Make out our Home more Clearly
The white, fallen-to-the-right, "C" is actually our circular driveway; our driveway also extends on the south side of our house down to the little apartment where our many guests have stayed. Both our house and that apartment are dark gray from the air.  Our boathouse, having a tin roof, is that white rectangle located on the lake, surrounded by the dark trees; it is almost on the property line with our neighbor to the south.  Our neighbors to the north are only wild animals:  so far, I've seen a family of beavers, along with bats and possums and a whole lot of squirrels.


Aerial Photographs
Taken by me

On September 4, 2001, the Rapides Parish Police Jury began a "draw-down" on Cotile Lake.  This is a temporary move designed to kill off excess water vegetation.

On October 1, 2001, a friend invited me to fly over the lake in his fifty-seven year old, "tail-dragger," former, U. S. Army Air Corp, Artillery Reconnaissance Airplane.

Here is a shot of the lake.

And one of our home.

God gave us our home; we have had lots of guests whom he has sent to us.

Bob Vincent